
Saturday, August 21, 2010


These photos were taken during the last month in my 4th year in college. We were having our photo shoot for our Alumni photo book. Our group ( duty group ) was assigned for the ALTER EGO theme that turns out into ALTERED EGO^^..haha

Before the hired photographer arrived, our group was already goofing around the the camera XD.We're like kids playing with the Set's all green background, haha, fooling around here and there..:P

smile3x <3

Mia and me <3

I was assigned for the Senorita meets Muchacha look and here's my muchaha outfit^^

This was my outfit for my senorita look ( though i look like a schoolgirl than a senorita..haha)

Muchacha being scolded by her master..haha

Mia was wearing an Androgynous outfit for her puppeteer look...

Mia was wearing her doll-like outfit for her doll look

I'm with Ate D and Ate C..^^ the skater girl and the geeky chic <3

tandadadadadadadan!!!! presenting our not so beautifully done but a blissful looking group pic^^

tantadaddadadadaddan!!!! here is Mia's final look^^: the Puppeteer vs the Doll^^
(Mia was not satisfied with the Background due to Manong who was just passing by..LOL!!)

Tandadadadadaddadan!!! presenting my final Pic: Senorita meets Muchacha^^
( I was so like an effing stupid with my muchacha facial expression..haha)

I hope you enjoyed our goofy faces^^

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